Welcome to the Benjamin Franklin School Counseling Office!
Mrs. Jessica Fleres, School Counselor
Email: Jessica Fleres Phone: 732-650-5300 ext 60003
Mrs. Ashley Cicchino, School Counselor
Email: Ashley Cicchino Phone: 732-650-5300 ext 60016
At Benjamin Franklin Elementary School we are here to help our students, staff, and Ben BOLT families in any way that we can. As counselors we help children cope with, and learn through, challenges they may be experiencing in their lives (at school and at home). We work to connect students and families with the resources and tools they need in order to be successful at school. Elementary school is the foundation for developing the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for children to become healthy, productive life-long learners. It is our goal to support and encourage our students to become their best selves. Below are some ways that your school counselor's can help students, staff, and families at BEN.
Small Group Counseling
Small groups are made up of 4-8 students and focus on a specific topic or skill. These groups allow students to learn together in a caring, supportive setting which provides each student the opportunity to express him/herself. These groups typically run for 6-8 weeks and are referral based.
*Permission slips are sent home prior to student involvement in small groups.
Classroom Counseling Lessons
All students at Benjamin Franklin learn what it means to be a Bolt and strive to demonstrate respectful bolt behavior. Students practice our Ben Bolt pledge every day that focuses on the six pillars of character—responsibility, citizenship, fairness, caring, trustworthiness, and respect. In addition to daily morning meetings with their classroom teachers, the school counselors develop and implement lessons to introduce and reinforce the concepts of these pillars throughout the school year. Students learn personal responsibility, conflict resolution, empathy, bully proofing, how to make good choices, social skills, career exploration, etc. through these classroom experiences.
Individual Counseling Sessions
Short term individual counseling is available to all students. At Benjamin Franklin we believe in solution-based counseling. During these sessions the school counselor works with the student to reach a goal that will benefit the student’s academic, social & emotional well-being. Teachers, parents, or students may request an individual counseling session whenever needed.
Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS)
The I&RS committee is a multidisciplinary team that works to help students with learning, behavior, social, and health issues. I&RS teams work to identify student difficulties, collect information about the difficulties, develop action plans to address the difficulties, and monitor the success and progress of the interventions. Mrs. Cicchino and Mrs. Fleres coordinate the I&RS referral process and serve on the committee.
Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying (HIB)
The New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act requires every school to have an anti-bullying specialist and a school safety team. As the Anti-Bullying Specialists at Ben Franklin, Mrs. Cicchino and Mrs. Fleres work with school administrators to lead the investigation into any reported or suspected incidents of HIB. We are also responsible for programming that serves to prevent, identify and address bullying. You can find additional district information here.
Other activities our school counselors help with:
Ben Franklin's Mentor Program
Bolt Bucks Program
Strengthening Families
Title 1 Programming
PATH Program referrals
Outside Resources for students and families